Thursday, September 24, 2009

Goals: Post yours here

I loosely remember reading about a Harvard study where they visited with the graduates about their financial goals. Something like two percent of the graduates actually wrote down their goals. Several years later they followed up with the grads and found out that the two percent that had written out their goals were making more money than the rest of the graduates combined.

Take the time to write out your goal, in detail. Post it below for added commitment. I am deciding between a spiritual goal or a piano goal at the moment. I am looking forward to hearing what others are doing.


  1. Michelle Wasden: My personal goal is to study scriptures at least 15 minutes a day, reading the complete Book of Mormon and New Testament (the version that has J.S. corrections used in religion classes at BYU) with the goal to answer this question: How does God/J.C./the Holy Ghost communicate with man? What does his "voice" sound like? What does he say? How can I better recognize it and distinguish between what might be my own thoughts?

  2. Well after reading Mish's mine seems kind of lame. I plan on doing something everyday to improve my photography skills including any of the following: Learn a new technique in Photoshop, go out an snap some shots, learn something new about my camera, work on photo editting, or even read in my Photography books (no they aren't just pictures)

  3. Wow Michelle- after reading your goal, it makes me not even post mine. With that said I'll follow the harvard example anyway. Since my weakness is eating too much food, my goal is to not have 2nds nor over eat and to have at least 5 fruits and/ or vegitables each day. I think I'll take on Michelle's goal after the co
